2010 Board Reports

ACTIONS FROM 1/01/2010-12/31/2010

Al Raddi, Acting Secretary
The CONECA Board of Directors voted on the following motions:

Motion (constitutional amendment) by Al Raddi (1/31/2010) and seconded by Mark Lighterman, that we:
1. Discontinue the CONECA annual Errorama (including awarding the annual Cherrypicker’s Awards and the annual Awards Dinner) and
2. Eliminate the CONECA Board Seat #8 – Errorama/ANA Liaison and transfer the duties of ANA Liaison to the club Secretary.

YES: 5
NO: 4

Motion by James Wiles (6/9/2010) and seconded by Ken Potter, that:
The three presidential candidates make public their initial platforms as soon as possible on the CONECA forums (each under his own heading) and the membership be invited to participate with questions and comments via a biweekly email to the Listserv.  The final platforms would be prepared for inclusion in the S/O ES and a moratorium placed on politicking after Errorama.

YES: 9
NO: 0

Motion by Mike Diamond (8/20/2010) and seconded by Bob Piazza, that:
The President be allowed a one-time expenditure of $200 to purchase low-cost error coins to be used as welcoming gifts for new members.  These will be bulk lots of damaged or dirty error coins that are still dramatic-looking (off-center, indents, partial brockages, broadstrikes, etc.).

YES: 9
NO: 0

Motion by Jeff Ylitalo (8/26/2010) and seconded by Bob Piazza, that:
Bob Piazza and Robert J. Neff are appointed as recognized CONECA attributers for wavy steps and die trail anomalies. These recognized and documented die anomalies are present throughout the numismatic community and are presently found on both domestic and foreign coinage. Their attributions are restricted to these die anomalies only.

YES: 5
NO: 3

Motion by Mark Lighterman  (11/15/2010) and seconded by Al Raddi, that:
The CONECA Board of Directors approve the license agreement below:

YES: 8
NO: 0

License Agreement

This License Agreement (the “Agreement”) dated as of November 22, 2010 (the “Effective Date”) is entered into by and amongst James Wiles, an individual, (the “Licensee”) and CONECA, the Combined Organizations of Numismatic Error Collectors of America, c/o Mike Diamond, President, CONECA, Inc. (the “Licensor”).

WHEREAS Licensor is the creator and owner of that certain method or system for cataloguing die varieties, commonly known as the CONECA U.S. Die Variety Files (also known as the CONECA Variety Master Listings that include all U.S. doubled die files for Lincoln cents, Buffalo nickels, Jefferson nickels, Mercury dimes, Roosevelt diems, Standing Liberty quarters, Washington quarters, Walking Liberty halves, Franklin halves, Kennedy halves, Ike dollars, SBA dollars, Sac dollars, Presidential dollars, Commemorative quarters, halves, and dollars, gold and
silver bullion, and any future U.S. coinage from 2010 through 2020 and all RPM and OMM files for all U.S. denominations from 1792 to 2020) or the CONECA Number (the “System”), which method or system, amongst other things, is employed in the files containing photographs of the images of such die varieties, and

WHEREAS Licensor wishes to grant a license to Licensee to employ said System and to publish and republish the same,

NOW IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants and conditions hereinafter set forth and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:

1. The Licensor hereby grants to the Licensee and Subsidiaries an exclusive, worldwide, time-limited (for the Term) license (the “License”) to employ, reproduce, reprint, publish and otherwise use the System. “Subsidiaries” shall mean an entity controlled by, under common control with, or controlling such party, where control is denoted by having fifty percent (50%) or more of the voting power (or equivalent) of the applicable entity; or, a subsidiary for which a party has the power to, direct or cause the direction of the management and of the subject entity (whether through ownership interests, contract, voting trust or otherwise); provided that in any case an entity shall be deemed to be a Subsidiary for only so long as such ownership or control exists, provided further however that upon termination of subsidiary status, such entity shall continue to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Licensing agreement and the termination provisions hereof.

2. The term of the License shall commence on the Effective Date of this Agreement and shall continue for a period of ten (10) years (the “Initial Term”). Following the Initial Term, this Agreement and the License granted hereunder shall automatically renew for additional two (2) year terms (each a “Renewal Term”) unless either party provides no less than twelve (12) months prior written notice to the other party of its intent not to renew for another Renewal Term. The Initial Term and each Renewal Term are together hereinafter the “Term”.

3. The Licensee shall pay to the Licensor a licensing fee for use of the System, in advance, in the amount set forth below. Such licensing fee is in aggregate and not to be paid in duplicate to each of the Licensors named above.

a. For the Initial Term, US $100 per year, for a total of US$1000 for the Initial Term.

b. For each Renewal Term , US$100 per year, totaling US$200 per Renewal Term.

4. The Licensee covenants and agrees that:

a.  It shall have no right, title or interest in the System except as expressly set forth in this Agreement

b.  The Licensee acquires no rights or interest in any trademarks or other intellectual property rights of the Licensor; and

c.  The rights granted herein by CONECA shall not act so as to prevent the use of the CONECA numbering system in advertisements or articles about or involving error/variety coinage, and shall not act to prevent non-parties hereto from using the numbering system to buy, sell, trade or otherwise deal reprint, publication or otherwise the use of the system as defined in the CONECA Variety Master Listings description described above or any part thereof to any third party or non-party during the term of this Agreement without written permission of both parties and

d.  It shall provide attribution in substantially the form of: “CONECA Die Varieties numbering system is proprietary to the Combined Organizations of Numismatic Error Collectors of America and is used under license issued by CONECA,” or such other form as the parties mutually agree in writing, email to be sufficient.

5. This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof and stands in the place of any previous agreement, whether oral or in writing. The parties agree that no amendment to this Agreement shall be binding upon the parties unless it is in writing and executed by both parties. If any provision of this agreement is held unenforceable, that provision shall be severed and the remainder of this agreement will continue in full force and effect. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York, excluding its conflicts of laws principles. Any disputes under this agreement may be brought in the state courts and the Federal courts located in New York, NY and the parties hereby consent to the personal jurisdiction and venue of these courts.

6. This Agreement shall endure to the benefit of and be binding upon the respective heirs, executors, administrators and assigns of each of the parties hereto.

7. If signed corporately, the Board of Directors has authorized the actions herein and shall not have its rights diminished by failure to assert any right derived hereunder.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement has been executed by the parties hereto as of the Effective Date above written.






Combined Organizations of Numismatic
Error Collectors of America (CONECA)
I. Errorama
We held Errorama 2010 in conjunction with the American Numismatic Association (ANA) World’s Fair of Money in Boston, MA. In addition to having a club table, we held our club’s Annual Combined Board of Directors and Membership Meeting, had our Annual Awards Banquet, and presented Cherrypickers’ Awards. Minutes of the meeting as well as an Errorama summary with photos are available at our club web site http://www.conecaonline.org/.
II. ANA Liaison
CONECA remains a member in good standing of the ANA, and the ANA provided meeting rooms for us at the 2010 World’s Fair of Money at no cost.
Albert B. Raddi
August 27, 2010
Combined Organizations of Numismatic
Error Collectors of America (CONECA)
Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors and Membership
Saturday August 14, 2010
9:00 AM to 10: AM
Sheraton Boston Hotel, Fairfax B Room
Boston, MA


Board of Directors Members Present:

Mike Diamond
Mark Lighterman
Al Raddi
Jon P. Sullivan
James Wiles

Members Present:

Darin Augustine
Kevin Bock
Kevin Coyle
Zack Kaleky
Michael Moloney
Larry Meiteles

Others Present:

Jeff Starck (Coin World writer)

President Mike Diamond called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM.

I. CONECA Double Die and RPM Files

Mike summarized an offer by James Wiles to buy the CONECA Doubled Die and RPM Files. And, James explained that he made the offer in the hope of keeping the club focused on the CONECA Files and not letting the primacy of the club’s files get lost among the other competing attributing and numbering systems. He doesn’t want the CONECA Files to become just one of many attributing and numbering systems in the eyes of CONECA members.

There was discussion about whether or not the other attributing and numbering systems really are our competitors, the wisdom of moving the CONECA Files outside of the club, and how to enable James to safeguard his investment if, for example, a future Board of Directors chooses not to keep him as the club’s 20th Century Attributer.

James said if the Board chooses not to sell him the CONECA Files he would like to be given some long term priority in his current role. And, there was discussion on balancing the Board of Directors’ duty to protect the assets of the club and recognition that the CONECA Files are, to a large extent, the fruit of James’ labor.

Mark Lighterman expressed a concern that selling the files would create a taxable event for the club as writing and selling books aren’t an expressed part of the club’s mission. And there was discussion about the complexity of such a sale. Mark then suggested that the tax and complexity problems could be solved by entering into a licensing agreement with James that would give him exclusive use of the club’s copyright. James thought the idea could protect his interests. And, the idea had appeal around the table.

Action: Mike asked James and Mark to put some ideas together for discussion by the Board of Directors. And they agreed to do so.

A short discussion followed on James’ future plans. He said he plans to continue publishing CD books (because they are more cost efficient) at the rate of one major book per year. And he said he plans to keep his conservative approach to listing doubled dies and RPM’s. Some expressed a preference for print books and suggested that the club and/or private investors might finance them.

II. Errorama

Mark Lighterman asked that Al Raddi be reimbursed for2009 and 2010 Errorama expenses, e.g., Awards Banquet overrun. And, the people around the table agreed.

Action: Al will submit expense claims to the Treasurer.

III. Member Retention

There was discussion on how the club can retain more members. Ideas included: expanding activities to other media, making the club web site more robust, promoting variety coins more in Errorscope, and having club subsidized representatives at tables at other major shows.

Action: Mike will ask the Board of Directors to discuss these ideas.

IV.  Revision of the Club Constitution and By-laws

There was discussion about the scope of the revision, i.e., just wording or more substantive changes.

Action: Mike will ask the Board of Directors to move forward with the needed revisions.

The meeting was adjourned by Mike Diamond at 10:00 AM.

Minutes submitted by Al Raddi, Acting Secretary
2010 Election Results

December 05, 2010 — The elections deadline has passed, and we now have the results of the winners of each position. These folks will be our new Officers and Board of Directors shortly.

President: Mike Diamond

Vice President: No Candidate

Treasurer: Jim Checkovitch

Secretary: Jason Cuvelier

Board Seat #1 (Membership): James Motley

Board Seat #2 (Publications): Jeff Ylitalo

Board Seat#3 (Youth Director): Jon Sullivan

Board Seat #4 (public Relations/Elections): Mike Ellis

Board Seat #5 (Webmaster): Ken Potter

Board Seat #6 (Attributions and Examinations): No Candidate

Board Seat #7 (Recognitions/Historian): No Candidate

Board Seat #8 (Errorama/ANA): Donald Beard 

Board At Large: James (Rick) Emery

Congratulations to the winners, and our fondest farewells go out to the Board Members who will be leaving to make room for the new Board of Directors. I am sure they will all still be an integral part of the CONECA membership.
Submitted by: Bob Piazza


Jason Cuvelier Secretary

The CONECA Board of Directors voted on the following motions:

Motion: by Mike Diamond (12-18-2010), seconded by Jeff Ylitalo, that:
We appoint Mark Lighterman as our Vice-President

Yes; 9
No: 0
Abstain: 0
Motion: by Ken Potter (12/23/2010), seconded by Mike Ellis that:
We Table the Motion by Ken Potter (Motion to raise dues structure for Family and
Organizational Members (12/23/2010), seconded by Mike Ellis)

Yes: 10
No: 0
Abstain: 0
Motion: by Mike Diamond (12/28/2010), seconded by Jeff Ylitalo that:
We appoint Don Lannon to Board Seat #7 (Recognitions / Historian)

Yes: 9
No: 0
Abstain: 2

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