Join or Renew

CONECA Memberships Options

Do error and variety coins interest you? 

Would you like to learn more about them and have the fellowship
of other collectors 
who share your interest in this fascinating area of numismatics? Then, join CONECA and enjoy the benefits of membership:

• A subscription to the club’s award-winning journal Errorscope, published six times a year.

• A free U.S. variety coin (a re-punched mintmark or a doubled die) when you join.

• A club membership card.

• An invitation to the annual Errorama, including the Awards Banquet, the Annual Meeting, and the Cherrypickers’ Contest.
• Access to Members Only area of the CONECA Web site where you can view electronic back issues of Errorscope from 2004 through the current issue.

When joining or renewing please use the Thank You page you are redirected to after your Paypal payment to fill out the information there and to add a password that you would like to use for access to the Members Only area of the website. The password should be at least seven characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols like ! ? $ % &. Giving us password information through the secure Paypal page when you join will get you access quicker!

Please Note:
CONECA new member signups are not automatically processed. All new and renewing Member submissions are processed individually by our volunteers and may take a few days to process. You will not automatically get your member ID and site Member area login information. Our volunteers appreciate your patience.

To participate in the CONECA Forum you will need to go to our Forum site HERE and log in or create a new user account if you don’t already have one. Administration approves all new accounts and signups to the Forum are not automatically processed.

How to Join or Renew

Join Using Paypal

Select a membership option based on your type of membership, your Errorscope delivery preference, and your location. Please send any questions about the PayPal payment process to:


Adult Membership — U.S. Bulk Mail With Errorscope
You receive a copy of Errorscope by US Bulk Mail and online access to Errorscope. $25 per year

Club Membership
Your club receives one copy of Errorscope by U.S. Bulk Mail, but no online access to Errorscope. $25 per year

Adult Membership — U.S. First Class Mail With Errorscope
You receive a copy of Errorscope by U.S. First Class Mail and online access to Errorscope. $37.50 ($25 for the subscription + $12.50 postage) per year

Adult Membership — Outside of the U.S. With Errorscope
You receive a copy of Errorscope by U.S. Mail and online access to Errorscope. $37.50 ($25 for the subscription + $12.50 postage) per year.

Adult Membership — Outside of the U.S. Online Only
You will only receive online access to Errorscope. $25.00 per year

Young Numismatist (under 18 years old) — U.S. With Errorscope
You receive a copy of Errorscope by U.S. Bulk Mail and online access to Errorscope. $10.00 per year

Young Numismatist (under 18 years old) — Outside of the U.S. With Errorscope
You receive online access to Errorscope, but no copy of Errorscope by mail (under 18 years old). $20.00 per year

Family Membership
This includes one Adult Membership and one additional Membership in the same household. Additional Memberships in the family are $12.50 per person. Each member is entitled to all club privileges. However, the family will receive just one copy of Errorscope.

Family Membership One Adult and One Additional Family Member

Family Membership One Adult and Two Additional Family Member

Family Membership One Adult and Three Additional Family Member

Life membership — under age 55. $750
(You must be a CONECA Regular Member for at least one year before becoming a Life Member)

Life membership — 55 years of age or over. $650
(You must be a CONECA Regular Member for at least one year before becoming a Life Member)

Donations to CONECA

Please pay using the buttons above and include your membership number
and the fact that you are renewing in the “Additional Instructions”
section of the Purchase Confirmation page.


The PDF link below will download the CONECA Membership Application
to your device where you can print, fill out and mail it back to us at the address below.

CONECA Membership Application

Mail your completed application along with your dues to:
Treasurer: PO Box 48 Shanksville PA 15501

Send questions about joining or renewing using postal service to:

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