2007 Board Reports

CONECA Secretary’s Report  for 2007
by James Wiles
Your Board of Directors has been busy this year attending to the needs of the club.  Below you will find the motions we worked on and the voting record for each motion.  If you have questions regarding how a Director voted, please direct your question to that Director.  Email and postal mail addresses can be found on the inside back cover of each Errorscope.
Motion #1 was made by James Wiles and seconded by Frank Leone.  It reads, “I move that Errorscope be reduced to a 32 page journal beginning with the Nov/Dec 2006 issue and continuing through the Mar/Apr 2007 issue.”  The motion passed with 10 yes (Mike Diamond, Mark Lighterman, James Wiles, Paul Funaiole, Frank Leone, Joe Rizdy, Jon Sullivan, Sean Reynolds, Ken Potter, David Bowman, Rich Schemmer), 0 no, and 2 abstentions (Jim Checkovich, Al Raddi).  Special Note: Joe Rizdy and Jon Sullivan get 1/2 vote until the election.
Motion # 2 was made by James Wiles and seconded by Mike Diamond.  It reads, “I move that Jim Checkovich set up a new checking account reserved for Paypal transactions, that Ken Potter work with Susan Headly and Bill Crosier to set up a Paypal account and get the CONECA website to accept Paypal transactions, that our membership application be changed so that it reads “if denied your dues will be refunded in full”, and that the membership chairman (currently Paul Funaiole) be responsible for overseeing the distribution of the funds since membership will be the biggest user of the account.”  The motion passed with 9.5 yes (Mike Diamond, Mark Lighterman, Jim Checkovich, James Wiles, Paul Funaiole, Frank Leone, Joe Rizdy, Jon Sullivan, Sean Reynolds, Ken Potter, David Bowman, Rich Schemmer, Al Raddi), 0 no, and 2.5 abstentions (Jim Checkovich, Frank, Leone, Jon Sullivan).  Special Note: Joe Rizdy and John Sullivan get 1/2 vote until the election.
Motion # 3 was made by James Wiles and seconded by Ken Potter.  It reads, “I move that we revise the literary award program to give each Errorscope and Website author (to be determined by the Recognitions/Historian BOD member) a yearly thank you gift not to exceed $15.00 in value, that the award year go from July/August to May/June, that the 2007 gift be a triple struck 20th anniversary medal, that future gifts be determined by the Recognitions/Historian BOD member and approved by the BOD, that every two years a drawing be held at the Errorama banquet from a list of every Errorscope and Website article (to be determined by the Recognitions/Historian BOD member) for the previous two years, the winning author being given a $250.00 cash award, that the first drawing be held in 2007 and cover the award years of 2005-2006 for which no literary awards have yet to be given, and that the second drawing be held in 2008 to cover the 2007-2008 award years.”  The motion failed with 2 yes (James Wiles, Al Raddi) 6.5 no (Mike Diamond, Mark Lighterman, Paul Funaiole, Joe Rizdy, Sean Reynolds, Ken Potter, Rich Schemmer), and 3.5 abstentions (Jim Checkovich, Frank Leone, Jon Sullivan, David Bowman). Special Note: Joe Rizdy and John Sullivan get 1/2 vote until the election.
Motion # 4 was made by Ken Potter and seconded by Dave Bowman.  It reads “I’d like to make a motion that we discard the old Awards program and replace it with an annual gift that can be related to CONECA or error collecting with a value not to exceed $15 to be given to all CONECA members that contribute articles to the E/S or website.  What constitutes an article should be kept vague so that we can award the “gift” for efforts that might range from being a cartoon to a column to a crossword puzzle, etc.  The gift should be the same for everybody.  The gift for 2005-2006 group that we awarded nothing to for those years will be a CONECA “I LOVE ERROR & VARIEITY COINS” medal (one per author covering both years) and the 2007 gift given to all authors at Errorama (or mailed) this year will be a Double Struck CONECA 20th Anniversary Medal in pure copper that has been overstruck by our Cancelled die as a centered 3rd strike.  Future “gifts” to be determined by the board member in charge of Literary awards.”  The motion passed with 9.5 yes (Mike Diamond, Mark Lighterman, James Wiles, Paul Funaiole, Joe Rizdy, Sean Reynolds, Ken Potter, David Bowman, Rich Schemmer, Al Raddi), 0 no, 2.5 abstentions (Jim Checkovich, Frank Leone, Jon Sullivan). Special Note: Joe Rizdy and John Sullivan get 1/2 vote until the election.
Motion # 5 was made by Mike Diamond and seconded by James Wiles.  It reads, “I move that: 1. Back issues of Errorscope be placed on CD in PDF format. 2. That the CDs begin with the May 1983 issue of the ErrorScopeGram.  3. That Tony Kleczynski have the freedom to break the CDs where necessary, but that he try to get everything prior to 1998 on 1 CD. 4. That the last CD end with Nov/Dec 2006 issue. 5. That Tony place a table of contents index and a revised variety index on each CD for faster searching. 6. That all pages be reproduced. 7. That we discuss packaging and pricing when the project is complete and we have additional information. 8. That Ken Potter be authorized to immediately begin choosing articles from this project to place on the CONECA website. The motion passed with 10 yes (Mike Diamond, Mark Lighterman, James Wiles, Paul Funaiole, Frank Leone, Joe Rizdy, Ken Potter, David Bowman, Rich Schemmer, Al Raddi), 0 no, and 2 abstentions (Jim Checkovich, Sean Reynolds).  Special Note:  The election is complete and Joe Rizdy won the seat.
Motion # 6 was made by Frank Leone and seconded by Mike Diamond.  It reads, “I make a motion that CONECA purchase that name (varietyvista.com) immediately and register it to the Club and for now simply redirect the traffic to the URL that James provided.”  The motion passed with 10 yes (Mike Diamond, Mark Lighterman, James Wiles, Paul Funaiole, Frank Leone, Joe Rizdy, Sean Reynolds, Ken Potter, David Bowman, Rich Schemmer), 0 no, and 2 abstentions (Jim Checkovich, Al Raddi).
Motion # 7 was made by James Wiles and seconded by Mike Diamond.  It reads, “I make a motion that the CONECA BOD authorize James Wiles, the CONECA secretary, to establish a checking account at a national bank of his choice, for the purpose of collecting Paypal receipts and to pass along the appropriate information to those setting up the Paypal checkout on the CONECA website.”  The motion passed with 9 yes (Mike Diamond, Mark Lighterman, James Wiles, Joe Rizdy, Sean Reynolds, Ken Potter, David Bowman, Rich Schemmer, Al Raddi), 0 no, and 3 abstentions (Jim Checkovich, Paul Funaiole, Frank Leone).
Motion # 8 was made by Ken Potter and seconded by James Wiles.  It reads, “I move that Ken Potter be authorized to appoint James “Rick” Emery as Assistant Webmaster.”  The motion passed 8 yes (Mike Diamond, Mark Lighterman, James Wiles, Paul Funaiole, Joe Rizdy, Sean Reynolds, Ken Potter, Rich Schemmer), 0 no, 4 abstentions (Jim Checkovich, Frank Leone, David Bowman, Al Raddi).
Motion # 9 was made by Ken Potter and seconded by James Wiles.  It reads, “I make a motion that we set aside the section of the previous motion that obligates us to give out the triple struck CONECA medals this year and use double struck Indian head cent reproductions instead and use the triple struck CONECA medals for the 2007/2008 Award Year.”  The motion passed with 8 yes (Mark Lighterman, James Wiles, Paul Funaiole, Joe Rizdy, Ken Potter, David Bowman, Rich Schemmer, Al Raddi), 0 no, 3 abstentions (Mike Diamond, Jim Checkovich, Frank Leone).  Special note:  Sean Reynolds has resigned.
Motion #10 was made by Rich Schemmer and seconded by Mike Diamond.  It reads, “I make a motion that we accept the nominations for the Lyndon King award as 2005 Mike Diamond, 2006 Bill Crosier, 2007 Frank Leone.”  The motion passed with 13 yes (Deborah Wiles, Mike Ellis, Mike Diamond, Mark Lighterman, Jim Checkovich, James Wiles, Paul Funaiole, Frank Leone, Joe Rizdy, Sean Reynolds, Ken Potter, Rich Schemmer, Al Raddi), 0 no, and 1 abstention (David Bowman).  Special Note: Lyndon King award requires the inclusion of the previous 5 winners.
Motion #11 was made by Mike Diamond and seconded by Al Raddi.  It reads, “I make a motion that we set up a group on Yahoo which I will moderate and that we call it the CONECA Error-Variety Coin Forum.”  The motion passed with12 yes (Mike Diamond, Mark Lighterman, Jim Checkovich, James Wiles, Paul Funaiole, Frank Leone, Joe Rizdy, Michael Turrini, Ken Potter, David Bowman, Rich Schemmer, Al Raddi), 0 no, 0 abstentions.  Special Note:  Michael Turrini has joined the Board.
Motion #12 was made by Mike Diamond and seconded by Al Raddi.  It reads, “I move that we re-organize and consolidate CONECA attribution and examination services in the following fashion:
A. World Die Varieties: Ken Potter
B. World Die Varieties: (ICG submissions): Ken Potter
C. U.S. Errors: Mike Diamond, Jim Checkovich, Ron Fern
D. World Errors: Mike Diamond or Ken Potter
E. World Errors (ICG submissions): Mike Diamond or Ken Potter
F. U.S. 20th century varieties: James Wiles
G. U.S. 20th century varieties (ICG submissions): James Wiles
H. All other information will remain the same, with the already-noted deletion of Bill Fivaz, Jeff Oxman, and Patrick Glassford from the list of experts.
I. The inside back cover of Errorscope should incorporate this safeguard: Submitters should contact their chosen attributer/examiner to see if there is a current backlog.
The motion passed with 10 yes (Mike Diamond, Mark Lighterman, James Wiles, Paul Funaiole, Frank Leone, Michael Turrini, Ken Potter, David Bowman, Rich Schemmer, Al Raddi), 0 no, and 2 abstentions (Jim Checkovich, Joe Rizdy).
Motion #13 was made by Mike Diamond and seconded by Ken Potter.  It reads, “I move that the Board approve Michael Newton as a web assistant, whose activities will be supervised by Ken Potter.”  The motion passed with 10 yes (Mike Diamond, Mark Lighterman, James Wiles, Paul Funaiole, Frank Leone, Joe Rizdy, Michael Turrini, Ken Potter, David Bowman, Rich Schemmer), 0 no, and 2 abstentions (Jim Checkovich, Al Raddi).

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