2009 Board Reports

ACTIONS FROM 1/01/2009-12/31/2009

Al Raddi, Acting Secretary

The CONECA Board of Directors voted on the following motions:

Motion by Al Raddi (1/20/09) and seconded by Mark Lighterman, that CONECA nominate Walter Ostromecki for the American Numismatic Association Board of Governors.

5 Yes, 4 No, and 2 Abstain


Motion by Al Raddi (1/24/09) and seconded by BJ Neff, that Al Raddi, Errorama Coordinator, be authorized to spend up to $180 from the general fund for a CONECA table at the American Numismatic Association World’s Fair of Money in Los Angeles in August 2009.

6 Yes, 1 No, and 4 Abstain


Motion by Ken Potter (2/9/09) and seconded by B.J. Neff, that the CONECA BOD move oversight responsibilities of the winner’s windfall program back to the Treasurer’s seat (since it is a fund raising program that technically belongs there) an that we approve Xan Chamberlain, who has proven over the years to have the know-how to run the program, as its current director.

8 Yes, 0 No, and 3 Abstain


Motion by B.J. Neff (2/13/09) and seconded by Mike Diamond, that we employ a two tier incentive give away for those who join or renew their memberships.  A. Those who join CONECA for one year will receive the “Cud Book” by Frank Leone B. For those who join or renew their membership for two years, they will receive the “Standing Liberty Quarter; Varieties and Errors” by Robert Knauss. This offer is good only at shows that CONECA is present at and until the two books are depleted.

7 Yes, 3 No, and 1 Abstain


Motion by Ken Potter on 2/17/09 and seconded by Bob Piazza that CONECA shall nominate candidates for political positions of leadership in numismatic organizations in which it (CONECA) is a member based on the following criteria:
1. The petitioner must have been a current member in good standing of CONECA for at least three years immediately preceding the request.
2. The petitioner must have contributed to CONECA in a demonstrable manner such as writing for the Errorscope or CONECA website, serving as a BOD member or officer, heading up a committee or running a program or function of CONECA, or other forms of volunteerism to CONECA deemed acceptable by the BOD through its vote.
3. In the event that the CONECA BOD is approached by more than one qualifying member for a nomination for a position to which there may be only one or a limited number of multiple nominations allowed, CONECA will nominate up to the number allowed in the by-laws of the club involved as per the following guidelines:

a.  CONECA will accept petitions for nominations for a period of fifteen days after the nomination period of the club involved opens.
b.  If the number of applicants does not exceed the number allowed, the CONECA BOD will narrow the list (if necessary) to those that qualify and will then discuss and vote on each applicant.
c.  If the number of qualifying applicants exceeds the number allowed for any one or more positions applied for, those with the most continuous seniority in CONECA will prevail
d.  If any slots for nominations remain open after the initial petitions are processed, a qualifying member may petition the BOD and will be voted upon on first-come-first-serve basis.
4.  All petitions for nominations must be directed to the current President of CONECA with no less than 30 days to their submission due date to be considered.
5.  The petitioner must be approved through a majority vote of the CONECA Board. If approved, the necessary document(s) supplied by the petitioner, will be processed in the manner prescribed by the club involved.
6.  CONECA will publish, on its web site or in Errorscope, (or both), any platforms of CONECA-member nominees that are supplied, with those platforms limited to 500 words and one photo of the nominee. The CONECA-member nominee need not have been nominated by CONECA to submit a platform for publication but must meet the prerequisites noted in items No. 1 and No. 2. CONECA reserves the right to edit such platforms. Nomination should not be construed as an endorsement or suggestion on how members should vote. CONECA will not advise members on how to vote but will allow paid advertising for CONECA nominated candidate to be published in Errorscope with a disclosure of who paid for the ad in small print at the bottom.

8 Yes, 0 No, and 3 Abstain


CONECA Policy on Nominations to ANA, FUN and other Member Clubs
CONECA, shall nominate candidates for political positions of leadership in numismatic organizations in which it (CONECA) is a member based on the following criteria:

1 The petitioner must have been a current member in good standing of CONECA for at least three years immediately preceding the request.
2 The petitioner must have contributed to CONECA in a demonstrable manner such as writing for the Errorscope or CONECA website, serving as a BOD member or officer, heading up a committee or running a program or function of CONECA, or other forms of volunteerism to CONECA deemed acceptable by the BOD through its vote.
3 In the event that the CONECA BOD is approached by more than one qualifying member for a nomination for a position to which there may be only one or a limited number of multiple nominations allowed, CONECA will nominate up to the number allowed in the by-laws of the club involved as per the following guidelines:
a CONECA will accept petitions for nominations for a period of fifteen days after the nomination period of the club involved opens.
b If the number of applicants does not exceed the number allowed, the CONECA BOD will narrow the list (if necessary) to those that qualify and will then discuss and vote on each applicant.
c If the number of qualifying applicants exceeds the number allowed for any one or more positions applied for, those with the most continuous seniority in CONECA will prevail.
d If any slots for nominations remain open after the initial petitions are processed, a qualifying member may petition the BOD and will be voted upon on first-come-first-serve basis.
4 All petitions for nominations must be directed to the current President of CONECA with no less than 30 days to their submission due date to be considered.
5 The petitioner must be approved through a majority vote of the CONECA Board.  If approved, the necessary document(s) supplied by the petitioner, will be processed in the manner prescribed by the club involved.

CONECA will publish, on its website or in Errorscope, (or both), any platforms of CONECA-member nominees that are supplied, with those platforms limited to 500 words and one photo of the nominee.  The CONECA-member nominee need not have been nominated by CONECA to submit a platform for publication but must meet the prerequisites noted in items No. 1 and No. 2.  CONECA reserves the right to edit such platforms.  Nomination should not be construed as an endorsement or suggestion on how members should vote.  CONECA will not advise members on how to vote but will allow paid advertising for CONECA nominated candidate to be published in Errorscope with a disclosure of who paid for the ad in small print at the bottom.


Motion by James Wiles on 2/25/09 and seconded by BJ Neff that CONECA dissolve its partnership with ICG, to include removing all references to ICG from the Errorscope, and from the web site (except historical) and that our president contact ICG to let them know that we are no longer partnering with them and to request that they remove all reference to CONECA from their web site and future advertising, and that our webmaster make a permanent page on our web site for historical reference indicating that coins in ICG holders with the CONECA name on them are considered to be among the most accurately attributed errors and varieties in the hobby.

8 Yes, 1 No, and 2 Abstain


Motion by James Wiles on 3/2/09 and seconded by Mike Diamond that the CONECA Hall of Fame guidelines be revised in the following manner:
1. Item 6.A.2 be changed to read “Has received three (3) different types of CONECA Literary Awards or has had articles published in Errorscope for five (5) different years.”
2. Item 6.A.3 be changed to read “Has received either type of Cherrypickers’ award.”
3. Item 6.B.1 be changed to read “Has taught a full term Error/Variety course for the ANA Summer Seminar.”
4. Item 11 be changed to read “Honors deemed appropriate by the CONECA Board of Directors shall be presented to each inductee or inductee’s family. Such honors will include but are not limited to:”
5. Item 11.D which reads, “Reimbursement of expenses to attend their induction at the annual CONECA awards banquet at Errorama” be eliminated.

8 Yes, 1 No, and 2 Abstain


Motion by Jon Sullivan on March 6, 2009 and seconded by James Wiles that
1. CONECA sponsor a scholarship for a YN to attend the 2010 Summer seminars, with the funds to pay for the scholarship coming from the CONECA YN fund.
2. That the scholarship be auctioned off at the Summer Seminars YN Auction with the following conditions attached to it:
a. Only a YN age 22 or younger can bid on and use the scholarship (a parent cannot do it for them.)
b. The proceeds of the sale of the scholarship would go to the ANA.
c. The scholarship must be used by the YN to attend the 2010 Summer Seminars.
d. The scholarship can be used only for the Error/Variety Class.

10 Yes, 0 No, and 1 Abstain


Motion By James Wiles on 3/22/09 and seconded by Ken Potter that James Wiles, the CONECA 20th century die variety attributer, be given explicit authorization to use the CONECA name on the label of the TPG slab for any attribution he provides.

8 Yes, 1 No, and 2 Abstain


Motion By Mike Diamond on 8/10/09 and seconded by Jeff Ylitalo that:
1. We hire Rachel Irish as our Membership Coordinator.
2. Pay will be $1600 per year, paid in quarterly installments or in a fashion
agreeable to Ms. Irish.
3. Since there is no Membership Chairman, Ms. Irish will report directly to Mike Diamond, Jeff Ylitalo, and Jim Checkovich.

8 Yes, 0 No, and 2 Abstain

Motion by Mike Diamond on 8/10/09 and seconded by Al Raddi that:
1. We send Rachel Irish an initial infusion of $300 as soon as is practical.
2. Replenish the fund with a like amount when the previous installment is nearly depleted.
3. Have Rachel send documentation of expenses to Jim Checkovich.

9 Yes, 0 No, and 1 Abstain


Motion by Mike Diamond (12/19/09) and seconded by Mark Lighterman, that CONECA nominate Mike Ellis for the American Numismatic Association Board of Governors.

8 Yes, 0 No, and 3 Abstain

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