Hall of Fame Constitution

I. The director of the Hall of Fame shall be the holder of Board Seat 7: Recognitions / Historian.

II. The Hall of Fame Director shall invite the CONECA membership to submit nominations for commemoration in the CONECA Hall of Fame in the Jan/Feb issue of Errorscope. The deadline for nominations would be set at March 1 each year.

III. Only CONECA members in good standing are authorized to make nominations to the CONECA Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame Director will inform all CONECA officers and the Board that the nominations are open.

IV. Nominees must have a minimum of 10 years of membership in CONECA.

V. Nominations are further restricted to individuals whose accomplishments, dedicated service, or achievements are or have been directly connected to the field of numismatic errors and varieties.

VI. Nominees shall be assigned to one of the following two classifications by the Hall of Fame Director: Life Service Achievement or Educator/Researcher.

VII. The Hall of Fame Director shall, no later then April 1st, send the list of those members nominated along with all their supporting documentation to all the CONECA officers and Board members. The Hall of Fame Director shall allow names of qualified candidates to be added to the list of those nominated. Discussion of those on the list as to their qualifications can also questioned. The deadline for all discussion shall be April 15th of each year.

VIII. On or as soon after April 15th of each year the CONECA officers and Board will forward the final list of all those names that were nominated. A board member may select from ‘none of the above’ to as many nominations they feel should be advanced to the final ballot.

IX. Elections to the CONECA Hall of Fame shall be held in May of each year. The final ballot shall contain the list of all candidates that received two or more advancement votes from the CONECA officers and Board no later than May 1st at which time they will cast their vote.

X. The CONECA officers and Board may vote for up to two (2) candidates from the final ballot to be inducted into the Hall of Fame . Any candidate that receives a majority vote of those voting shall be inducted into the CONECA Hall of Fame . Any officer or Board member shall be allowed to vote for ‘none of the above’ and their vote shall be counted into the total needed for a majority vote of the board. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes above the majority threshold shall be elected to the CONECA

XI. If after the CONECA officers and Board have all been given ample time to cast their votes for the names on the final ballot and no candidate received the required majority threshold number of votes or there is a tie of those candidates receiving the required majority threshold votes a run off ballot will be created with the top two (2) candidates’ names being sent to the CONECA officers and Board in the form of a run off ballot.

XII. The board will again be given ample time to cast their vote for one and only one name on the run off ballot and the candidate receiving the highest number of votes and have met required majority threshold will be inducted into the CONECA Hall of Fame.

XIII. Each inductee shall have his name inscribed on the CONECA Hall of Fame plaque so that they may be recognized in a permanent fashion.

XIV. Honors deemed appropriate by the CONECA Board of Directors shall be presented to each inductee or inductee’s family. Such honors will include but are not limited to:

A. Honorary Life membership.
B. Listing as the Hall of Fame inductee as reported to the CONECA membership in the Sept/Oct Errorscope each year.
C. Recognition each year at the annual CONECA awards banquet at Errorama.
D. The presentation of an individual plaque or trophy indicating their induction into the CONECA Hall of Fame along with an error coin capped at a cost of $300 excluding the cost of a trophy.

XV. The Hall of Fame Director shall maintain a permanent record of all inductees and all items associated with their commemoration including a page on the CONECA web site with a detailed description of the inductee’s achievements

XVI. Upon the completion of changes to all requirements to be nominated to the CONECA Hall of Fame that are defined under the titles of Life Service Achievement and/or Educator/Researcher and for a period of five years after that date, allowing the establishment of those changes to be in full effect, those nominees that qualified prior to those changes taking effect, their name will remain on the list of nominees and can be elected into the Hall of Fame. This section XVI will be removed from the voting process once the five year period has been fulfilled.

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