The following changes to the award have been approved by the CONECA Officers and Board. 06-27-2011
Kenny Knapp served as CONECA’s first elected Membership Chairman in 1984 and 1985 and was very active in that position. After he passed the Kenny Knapp Award to recognize significant membership recruitment was created. In the beginning it was given out to persons or entities that brought in the most new members in a single year. Later it was changed to recognize recruitment levels of 25, 50, 100, etc., with no limitation as to how long it took to achieve these milestones. The current award guidelines take the best of both of the previous incarnations of the award and meld them into what we have today.
Two classes of Kenny Knapp Awards will be given to qualifying individuals or other entities (such as commercial web sites, educational websites, publishers, coauthors of self-published books, etc.) as follows:
1) Class 1: This award will be given annually to the individual/entity sponsoring the most new members in an awards year. An Awards Year will run from May through the end of April of the following year in order to give the Membership Chairperson time to prepare the award and have it ready for Errorama. A individual/entity will only qualify to win this award one time. Authors of books where there is more than one author involved such as Cherrypickers’ Guide; web sites, numismatic periodicals and the like will quality for this award but only one award will be given to a representative of that entity. In the event of a tie, it will be broken by whichever individual/entity has brought in the last recruitment first. In the rare event that two (or more) individuals/entities are tied on the same date for their last recruitment, both (or more) will receive the award.
2) Class 2: Awards will also be given out to individuals/entities when they reach 25 , 50 and 100 recruitments. There will no time limit as to how long it takes to reach any of these milestones and thus there may be some years when none of these awards are given out and other years where multiple awards may be given out.
3) At the point that any individual/entity has received the Class 1 and all three Class 2 Awards, it will be considered a Kenny Knapp Grand Slam Award and be sited as such in an appropriate manner on the plaque given to the individual/entity. Those who already qualify by having already received awards for 100 or more recruitments and have been a top recruiter in one or more years since the Kenny Knapp Award Program was first initiated, will receive a Kenny Knapp Grand Slam Award retroactively. Kenny Knapp will be given one posthumously in a manner that the Membership Chairperson best sees fit.
The Kenny Knapp Grand Slam Award will be the ultimate achievement but may not be repeated a second time. It will be like being inducted into the CONECA Hall of Fame, you can only get in once but you are there forever.
The Kenny Knapp Awards will be issued to recipients or their representatives at CONECA’s annual Errorama. Should the winner(s) not be able to attend, the Membership Chairperson or his or her representative will mail the award to the winner(s).”
Past Recipients Of CONECA’s Kenny Knapp Award
Annual Top Recruiter*
25 Member Milestone
50 Member Milestone
Grand Slam (100+ Members Recruited)
Annual Top Recruiter*
Lonesome John, Len Roosmalen
Annual Top Recruiter*
Rich Sisti, Sue Sisti
Annual Top Recruiter*
Bill Fivaz
Annual Top Recruiter*
J.T Stanton
25 Member Milestone
Bill Fivaz, J.T. Stanton
Annual Top Recruiter*
Mike Ellis
50 Member Milestone
Bill Fivaz, J.T. Stanton
Annual Top Recruiter*
Terry Campbell
Annual Top Recruiter*
Lee Gong
25 Member Milestone
Terry Campbell
Annual Top Recruiter*
Ken Potter
25 Member Milestone
Mike Ellis
Annual Top Recruiter*
Ken Hill
25 Member Milestone
Lee Gong
Annual Top Recruiter*
James Wiles
25 Member Milestone
Coin World, Terry Campbell, Scott Keynstra, Ken Potter, Len Roosmalen, Fred Weinberg
25 Member Milestone
Coneca Website
50 Member Milestone
Lee Gong, Fred Weinberg, James Wiles, Scott Klynstra, Len Roosmalen
25 Member Milestone
Paul Funailoe
Annual Top Recruiter*
Frank Leone
50 Member Milestone
Ken Potter
Annual Top Recruiter*
Jean Neff
Annual Top Recruiter*
James Essence
Grand Slam (100+ Members Recruited)
** Numismatic News, Coin World, Mike Ellis, Bill Fivaz, Lee Gong, Ken Potter, JT Stanton, Fred Weinberg, James Wiles
Annual Top Recruiter*
Alan Herbert (deceased)
Annual Top Recruiter*
James Motley
25 Member Milestone
Ken Hill, Terry A. Campbell
Annual Top Recruiter*
Al Raddi
Annual Top Recruiter*
B.J. Neff
25 Member Milestone
Al Raddi
Annual Top Recruiter*
Jon Sullivan
Annual Top Recruiter*
Chris Corwin
25 Member Milestone
James Motley
Annual Top Recruiter*
George Winters
25 Member Milestone
James Essence
Annual Top Recruiter*
Bob Mellor
Annual Top Recruiter*
James Zimmerman
Annual Top Recruiter*
Daniel Malone
50 Member Milestone
Al Raddi
James Motley
Annual Top Recruiter*
Blueridge Silverhound
25 Member Milestone
Coin Help U
James Zimmerman
100+ Member Grand Slam Milestone
James Motley
* This is a work in progress; some records are currently unavailable or incomplete and will be filled in when available
** The Grand Slam winners for 2011 are those who achieved 100 or more recruitments in addition to having achieved the most new members in one year at anytime during the life of the Kenny Knapp Award. The 2011 group is being given the award retroactively. Inductees beyond 2011 will be a reflection of when the milestones were actually achieved.